Sunprofit V1.8.0.55(11-01-2024) 1. sonnenertrag link erased. The site does not exsist anymore. 2. Deleted files are moved to the recycle bin. Sunprofit V1.8.0.54(21-12-2023) 1. Software runs untill 31-12-2024. Update before that date please. Sunprofit V1.8.0.53(08-01-2022) 1. When merging systems, the total amount of kWh was not calculated right. 1. Software runs untill 31-12-2023. Update before that date please. Sunprofit V1.8.0.52(14-06-2021) 1. Problems with connecting to Mastervolt inverters. Repdefined the function to make contact with inverter. Sunprofit V1.8.0.51(14-01-2021) 1. Version to update diffrent versions I made for a few people. Sunprofit V1.8.0.49(21-12-2020) 1. Now you can combine 2 or more systems to a new one. 2. From now on you can combine 2 or more systems to a new one. The start date, profits, costs etc are recalculated. Sunprofit V1.8.0.47(14-11-2020) 1. If you do not use a system anymore, you can set the comport to -1. Sunprofit will not tyr to contact the inverter anymore. Sunprofit V1.8.0.46(19-04-2020) 1. Added SagemCom smart meter to the list of smart meers. Sunprofit V1.8.0.45(08-03-2020) 1. Update software rewritten. 2. After terminating search for inverters, the com port was not closed. 3. Adding a soladin 600 or Windmaster 500 resulted in an error and the inverter was not added. Sunprofit V1.8.0.44(13-01-2020) 1. After a few days SunprofitWebServices could hang. Sunprofit V1.8.0.43(24-11-2019) 1. A few minor changes. 2. Started to program merging two systems. My Chint inverter broke down this year and I buyed a SolarEdge inverter wich now replaces my system with the Chint inverter and the system with my Soladin 600 inverter. 3. From now on the expirion date is shown in the splash screen and the about screen so you can update on time. This software version expires on 01-05-2021. Sunprofit V1.8.0.42(30-10-2019) 1. If you changed the settings for brightness of the LCD, the settings werte not saved. 2. Added a menu for starting Sunprofit Web Services in command prompt. So you can see what happens. Sunprofit V1.8.0.41(17-10-2019) 1. If you changed the settings for contrast of the LCD, the settings werte not saved. Sunprofit V1.8.0.40(28-09-2019) 1. When the progrtam runs for the first time and the program was stopped during searching for inverters, the data directory was not erased. 2. You coul'd not add some inverters when they were found. 3. The communication over the ethernet made more easy. Sunprofit V1.8.0.39(10-06-2019) 1. The LCD was not loaded at startup and not closed at ending the program. 2. You can now compact the database if it gets to large by selecting 'Miscellaneous' and then 'Compact database' 3. If it takes to mutch time to get data from the database, the program compacts the database automatically. This increases the speed of the query's Sunprofit V1.8.0.38(09-06-2019) 1. If you found new inverters, the button 'Add inverter's' was not enabled. 2. The communication with the Mastervolt inverters returens into an error. 3. Added the translation variable: 'PCShutDownAt' 4. If the solarboiler was not used, the interval of te timer was set to zero which occured an error. 5. Smart meter could not added. Sunprofit V1.8.0.37(05-06-2019) 1. Made some language changes. 2. When opening the charts, the translations were not good. 3. The LCD parameters were not saved into the database. Sunprofit V1.8.0.36(04-06-2019) 1. Bèta version. Sunprofit V1.8.0.35(03-06-2019) 1. The current arguments you can use for the program are: /compactdatabase (Compact the database. This can make the program response more quickly) /tray (Starts the progam in the tray.) /chart (Puts a mark at the 'show daily graph' checkbox) /X (X stands for showing tab number when the program has started. The first Tab = 0 etc.) 2. Added 'Last telegram' time to the LCD screen. 3. Reprogammed a function to prevent the LCD screen to go into sleep mode. 4. After adding a new inverter, you could not change tabs. Only if you restarted the program. 5. Switching to overview tab resulted in an error. Sunprofit V1.8.0.33(31-05-2019) 1. The LCD screen went off after one hour. 2. After changing parameters, the timers were not enabled again. Sunprofit V1.8.0.32(31-05-2019) 1. From now on you can prevent the software from attempting to connect to an inactive inverter by setting the comport to '0'. 2. The import from the solarlog directory is enabled again. If the database is corrupt or missing and the directory backup is not available, this is the last resort. Some data will be lost due to the limitations of the solarlog protocol. Sunprofit V1.8.0.31(10-06-2018) 1. Some Mastervolt inverters stayed in sleepmode when the sun rose. Sunprofit V1.8.0.29(13-08-2017) 1. If added new inverters, the program already started to read the data of the new inverters while the right data was not filled into the textboxes by hand. 2. If you had more than one Mastervolt inverter on a comport, only the data of the forst one was read. Sunprofit V1.8.0.28(12-08-2017) 1. At the startup of a new day or when installed a new version of the software, the connection of the Mastervolt inverters were not checked. 2. When searching new inverters on multiple comports, the new inverters were not found. Sunprofit V1.8.0.27(03-08-2017) 1. In some cases,if the inverter was communicating and the times where set to off, the function to get data from the inverter stayed in a loop. Sunprofit V1.8.0.26(23-07-2017) 1. The Daily peakpower of the Soladin inverters were not read. 2. From nou on you can compact the database when starting sunprofit: Use: sunprotfit.exe /compactdatabase 3. The buffers of comports with multiple devices attatched on it are now cleared before sending or receiving data. Sunprofit V1.8.0.25(10-06-2017) 1. When adding a new inverter, the program stayed in a restart loop. 2. In some cases, a chint inverter started a new day with the daily yield of the day before. 3. The OK4 inverters are read less times to make the program more responsive. 4. Old sunprofit and install files and directories in the backup directory are deleted. 5. The Backupfiles (.csv) were not seperated by ';'. Sunprofit V1.8.0.23(05-05-2017) 1. When you copy the backup files to a UNC path and an error occured, the data in the database was not deleted. 2. For Domoticz added an Idx number for the smart meter. 3. Added GroWatt inverter TL3000 to the list of supported inverters. 4. Made som translation corrections. Sunprofit V1.8.0.22(19-06-2016) 1. In some cases the daily yield was not saved to the days_js and minxxxxxx.js files. 2. A few minor changes. Sunprofit V1.8.0.21(10-06-2016) 1. In some cases the file 'min_day.js' was called and saved more than one time. In some cases the time stamp in the file 'min_day.js' was not saved correctly. Thanks to Karel de Boer and Bert van Beusichem. 2. The last update did not contain SWS.exe. A problem occured to people who installed a fresh version of Sunprofit. The splash screen stopped at the phrase, Starting Web Services. Thanks to Sander ten Brinke for his patience. 3. If you communicate with the inverters through an IP-adress, the software tried to open the comport as well. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.8.0.20(04-06-2016) 1. If the software tried 3 times to get data from the inverter and did not succeed, the comport will be closed and reset. Just to be sure the problem is not related to the commport. 2. Added a few minor changes in the COM over UTP function. Sunprofit V1.8.0.19(31-05-2016) 1. If a connection with the SolarEdge inverter was established, te software stopped with reading data from the inverter. 2. Mastervolt inverters didn't reply fast enough to the software so the software calculated the wrong parameters. As a result of this, the dailly yield was calculated wrong. 3. If PVOutput refused a wrong command, the command was not deleted an repeated over again and again. 4. Added variable 'Communication' in the language files. Sunprofit V1.8.0.18(25-05-2016) 1. The daily yield of the SolarEdge inverters was not saved to the database. Sunprofit V1.8.0.17(20-05-2016) 1. Made a few minor changes in the function for searching inverters. 2. Changed the way the program reacts on a communication error.. 3. Added 'Schneider' inverter to the language files. 4. If you changed the FTP: path, you could not save the new settings. Thanks to Jos Eillebrecht. Sunprofit V1.8.0.16(19-05-2016) 1. Some inverters did not wake up after a sleep period. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.8.0.15(18-05-2016) 1. Made the communication with the inverters more simple and faster. Sunprofit V1.8.0.15(18-05-2016) 1. After one read error from the inverter, the program reported a sleepstate. Normally this should happen after three read errors in sequence. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.8.0.14(16-05-2016) 1. The checkbuttons sunprofit.php and sunprofit.js were hidden. Thanks to Leon Vos. Sunprofit V1.8.0.13(16-05-2016) 1. If the Mastervolt inverter was at sleep mode, the program tried to connect it anyway. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Arie Timmer. Sunprofit V1.8.0.12(16-05-2016) 1. If the third digit of the checksum from a GroWatt inverter is a zero, the calculation of the checksum resulted in an error. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem. Sunprofit V1.8.0.11(16-05-2016) 1. Made the communication wih the inverters more efficient. 2. The error code 400 from has multiple explanations. Sunprofit only used one. This could result in an ban from your ISP. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Theo van Oeffelen. Sunprofit V1.8.0.10(12-05-2016) 1. If you tried to add a Smart meter other than an Iskra, the button 'add meter' stayed disabled. Sunprofit V1.7.0.47(12-05-2016) 1. Adding a GroWatt inverter restulted in an error. Sunprofit V1.7.0.46(09-05-2016) 1. If you have more than one inverter, the program was not able to connect to more than one inverter. Sunprofit V1.7.0.45(08-05-2016) 1. The field length of the tariff tables in the database were to short. 2. Mastervolt inverters didn't reply fast enough to the software. Sunprofit V1.7.0.44(07-05-2016) 1. After the last update, some people still complained that the inverter did not have enough time to answer. Now the program waits an additional 500ms before it sends a second command to the inverter. 2. From now on the 'smart meters' of Kammstrup and Landys&Gyr are supported. Sunprofit V1.7.0.43(30-04-2016) 1. Changed the timer handling in SWS.exe so it can send data to the website's faster. 2. Some inverters tried to get data from the inverter to fast so the inverter did not have enough time to answer. This resulted in some cases that the daily yield was more than 1 mWh. 3. If the inverter did not respond after 3 times, the program should wait for 60 seconds before it tries to make contact again. This was not the case. Sunprofit V1.7.0.42(02-04-2016) 1. A function caused a memory leak. Changed the location of the function and the problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.7.0.41(29-03-2016) 1. Optimized the communication with Domoticz. 2. If the program coul'd not collect with the smart meter, it tierd to search with diffrend parameters. This causes an data loss until the program was restarted again. 3. The output to domoticz of the total inverter yield was not calculated right. 4. If an inverter woke up, the smart meter stopped resding data. Sunprofit V1.7.0.40(13-03-2016) 1. If the autoupdate in not checked, the progam will not check for updates. Be carefull, the software is updated regular and the executable you are using is only valid for a year. After this period, Sunprofit must be updated to function again. 2. Building the february chart of an inverter in a leap year, showed the february charts of all the years as a leap year. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel. 3. Implemented the smart meter versions V4.0, V4.2 and V5.0. Sunprofit V1.7.0.39(21-02-2016) 1. The vertical progressbar was deactivated in a previous version. 2. Optimized the program for the smart meter with software version 4.0 and higer. 3. From now on you can see the time of the latest telegram received at the smart meter tab. 4. In the settings the tab FTP expanded with Domoticz. 5. Added a field to enter an idx in Domoticz for the total power if you have more than one inverter. You should add a virtual 'Electric (Instant + Counter)' sensor in Domoticz and use it's idx. 6. Added a field to enter an idx in Domoticz for the current consumption power. You should add a virtual 'Usage (Electric)' sensor in Domoticz and use it's idx. 5. Added a few new translations. Sunprofit V1.7.0.38(27-12-2015) 1. Changed the column length of the folowing columns: Tariff_T1, Tariff_T2 and Tariff_M2 to 8. 2. Changed the following coloum namnes in the Days and Gen Tables: kWhTariff_T1 and kWhTariff_T2 into Tariff_T1 and Tariff_T2 3. After updating to version V1.7.0.37 the mastervolt inverters were not communicating good. This problem has been solved thanks to Karel de Boer. Sunprofit V1.7.0.37(14-12-2015) 1. The checksum for the communication with the GroWatt inverters was corrupt after a second or third try. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem. Sunprofit V1.7.0.36(24-11-2015) 1. The French translation gave an error with the variable 'Gas' 2. The first command of SWS gave an database error. 3. At the change of the day, the total yield of the inverter was changed to the total yield of 2 days ago, so the total yield in Domoticz was not shown right. 4. The history readout from soladin inverters was not triggered. Sunprofit V1.7.0.35(22-11-2015) 1. If you added a Chint inverter, the parameterset was not saved to the database. Communication with the Chint inverter was impossible. Sunprofit V1.7.0.34(22-11-2015) 1. The webserver was not enabled. 2. If the inverter is in sleep mode, Domoticz will not update anymore. So you can see if there's something wrong or not. 3. The history readout from soladin inverters returned an error in the function. Sunprofit V1.7.0.33(15-11-2015) 1. If you altered the data in the minutes table, the 'Save to database' button was not shown. 2. Made a few changes in th German language. Thanks to Jahou. 3. When starting up the program, the function to make the file min_day.js went into a loop consuming a lot of CPU-time. 4. The data from whole hours was not saved in the min_day.js file. 5. The total yield from the solaredge inverters was not calculated right. 7. If you do not use the sunprofit webserver, the program tried to use port 0. 8. Now you can monitor the totals of your inverters with Domoticz. How to do this: 1. add the following piece of hardware 'Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)' 2. Click on 'Create Virtual Sensors' 3. Select Sensor Type: Electric (Instant+Counter) 4. Go to devices and note the Idx code from this sensor. 5. Now select in Sunprofit 'Miscellaneous'and then 'Settings'. 6. On the right bottom of the inverter tab you see 'Domoticz idx:.... Enter the code and save the settings. 7. Now again select 'Miscellaneous'and then 'Settings', 'FTP', 'Webserver'. 8. Add the Address and prot number for your Domoticz server. 9. Save the settings. 10 Within a few mintes, the total yield, daily yield and current power should be seen in the 'Utility' tab of Domoticz. 11. At the tab 'Utility', select your device and click on 'edit'. 12. Now select the type of device 'Return', and click update. Sunprofit V1.7.0.32(02-10-2015) 1. Changed the update function to accept Sunprofit installations before Version 2. Added the server command for restart Sunprofit. (for example: 3. Repaired a memory leak in the webserver service. 4. If the Soladin inverter went into sleep, the error stayed visible until it woke up. 5. The update from older versions to V1.7.0.31 erased the data from the inverters. Sunprofit V1.7.0.31(22-09-2015) 1. The executable SWS.exe used a absolute path to C:\sunprofit\Data. Sunprofit V1.7.0.30(22-09-2015) 1. After ending a day, the daily yield of the soladin inverter was not reset. Sunprofit V1.7.0.29(21-09-2015) 1. The variable '$totalkwhkwpsystem' was accidentally changed in 'totalkwhkwpsystem'. 2. When updateing to version V1.7.0.28. the program went into an endless loop. Sunprofit V1.7.0.28(20-09-2015) 1. While updating from an older version to V1.7.0.27 the variable 'SunprofitP1Port' was not made in the database. After restarting the program, it hung. 2. If Sunprofit Web Services tried to upload invalid data to, the invalid data was resend every minute. From now on the data will be erased if returns an 400 error. 3. The Backupfiles were not updated every hour. Sunprofit V1.7.0.27(13-09-2015) 1. Moved the registry key 'Start Sunprofit with windows' from Local Machine to Local User. Windows 10 gives problems if you save keys into Local Machine. 2. Started to implement 2 webservers in Sunprofit. 1. A P1 webserver. You can use it to send telegrams over the internet to, for example, Domoticz. 2. A webserver to get the current status from the devices in json format. To let it work: goto menu -> Miscellaneous -> Settings -> FTP-Tab -> TabPage2. Address P1 client: The ip-address of the computer where Domoticz runs. Sunprofit P1 Port: The port of the computer where Sunprofit runs. Sunprofit webserver port: The port to communicate with Sunprofit. (for example 12345) Command's to use the websever: 1. jsongetinverterdata (for example: 2. jsongetinverterstatus (for example: 3. jsongetsmartmeterdata (for example: 4. getlasttelegram (for example: 3. Added a new directory under the sSunprofit directory : 'wwwRoot' ....Guess what? 4. Made a few changes to the language files. Sunprofit V1.7.0.26(31-08-2015) 1. The program tried to save every minute to the solarlogfiles. 2. The column length of parameter 'DeliveredPowerBeforeStart' changed from 8 to 9 positions. 3. The CheckConnection function of the Growatt inverters added 2 bytes extra at a communication attemt. This Problem has been solved. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem. Sunprofit V1.7.0.25(04-08-2015) 1. Before the program returns an error, it tries to communicate 5 times with Growatt inverters. 2. At whole hours, the output to was interrupted. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem Sunprofit V1.7.0.24(27-07-2015) 1. Communication with the chint inverters is now faster due to only read the realtime data. 2. Changed columnLength for the column DeliveredPowerBeforeStart. Thanks to Piet Jongepier. 3. Changed the Catalan language to the latest version. Special thanks to Manel Sastre for his translation. If you want that Sunprofit supports your language, just inform me or make a ranslation yourself. In the languages directory you can find several language files to translate. 4. Updated the language files. The last update 'StartingSWS' was not implemented in the autoupdate. Thanks to Nico van Rijn. Sunprofit V1.7.0.22(17-07-2015) 1. With a fresh start, the database was not made. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Tjeerd13. 2. updating from an older version gave an error. The program resarted and went into a loop rebuilding the solarlog files. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Sathopper and Jahou Sunprofit V1.7.0.21(16-07-2015) 1. The total kWh of each inverter was not calculated so numerous of calculations went wrong. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel 2. If you do not have a smart meter, the rebuilding of the .csv files went wrong. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem. 3. Updated the Dutch manual. 4. Made a few minor changes. Sunprofit V1.7.0.20(13-07-2015) 1. Updating from version and went wrong. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dussel, AlbertvW, MSP and Jahou. Sunprofit V1.7.0.19(12-07-2015) 1. The parameters screen was not shown when selecting an inverter, smart meter, LCD or solarboiler. This error occurs when you force a comport to an other one that is 'according to windows' already in use. Then there are 2 devices 'using' the same port. Sunprofit V1.7.0.18(11-07-2015) 1. A variable in sunporfit.php was not erased correctly. The $pac was filled with the date of the previous inverter. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem. 2. Checking every hour if SWS.exe is still running. If not, then execute sws.exe 3. If there was a read error from an inverter, the program showed this in the debug screen ad tried to reastablish the communication with the inverter. From now on the program shows it only if there were 3 read errors and then tries to reastablish the communication with the inverter. Some people got nervous seeing the read errors. ;-) 4. The backup directory now contains .csv files. These files can be used to rebuild the database. In the next update you can select .csv files to import your own data into Sunprofit. 5. If you doubleclick on the statusmessage box, the messages will be deleted. 6. The errormessage SaveDebugText in the file debug.dat has been solved. Sunprofit V1.7.0.17(28-06-2015) 1. If the total kWh of the AEG PV1500 was greater than 8192 then the totoal kWh was calculated wrong. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 2. Added in sunprofit.php the following inverter variables: $invertermanufacturer_X, $invertertype_X 3. Added in sunprofit.php the following smart meter variables: $smmanufacturer, $smtype, $smcurrenttarriff, $smdailyelectricityconsumptiont1, $smdailyelectricityconsumptiont2, $smdailyelectricityfeedint1, $smdailyelectricityfeedint2, $smdailysecondmeterconsumed 4. Added in sunprofit.js the following inverter functions: invertermanufacturer_X, invertertype_X 5. Added in sunprofit.js the following smart meter functions: smmanufacturer, smtype, smcurrenttarriff, smdailyelectricityconsumptiont1, smdailyelectricityconsumptiont2, smdailyelectricityfeedint1, smdailyelectricityfeedint2, smdailysecondmeterconsumed, 6. From now you can alter the days and minutes table in the database without a thrid party program. It's in a bèta stadium. If you encounter any problems, fee free to use the forum for questions. You can find it undter the menu Import/Export. 7. From now on you can add the solarboilers from Dutch Solar Systems. (For dutch users only). Sunprofit V1.7.0.16(03-06-2015) 1. In some cases, while reading the inverter, there was a timeout error. Especially if you use a RS232 connection. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.7.0.15(31-05-2015) 1. In some cases, while reading the inverter, there was a timeout error. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.7.0.14(19-05-2015) 1. Improved the handing of uploading files to the internet with S(uprofit)W(eb)S(ervices).exe 2. The LCD was refreshed 10 seconds after receiving a telegram from the smart meter. Now it is refreshed directly after receiving a telegram. 3. If the inverters went into sleepmode, the status bars were not updated anymore. 4. Aligned the collected data in the smart meter tab. 5. If te program was shut down before the inverters went into sleepmode and the program was started after the inverters woke up, the yield between these point was not calculated. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Sathopper. 6. An error occured during restart of Sunprofit if during rebuilding the Solarlog files Sunprofit was terminated. Sunprofit V1.7.0.13(19-05-2015) 1. The LCD contrast track bar was disabled. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Henk van Bergen. Sunprofit V1.7.0.12(10-05-2015) 1. The Mastervolt inverters were not read at al after the last update. This problem has been solved. 2. Saving data to PVOutput stopped after the last update. This problem has been solved. 3. If the program calculates the monthly yield, the last day was not added tothe total. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jan van Eijk. 4. The Sunprofit autoupdate was disabled in an earlier edition. From now on, it works again. Sunprofit V1.7.0.11(03-05-2015) 1. Sometimes during the end of a day, the time index 23:59:59 was not saved. This probem has been solved. 2. The calculation of the total kWh from the Chint inverters went wrong they collected more than 7200 kWh. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.7.0.10(12-04-2015) 1. Sunprofit now supports the SolarEdge inverters. If you encounter any problems, please contact me. 2. Language files updated. 3. The variable HPWR from the solarlog was not saved after changes. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.6.0.15(05-04-2015) 1. Implemented rebuilding database for software versions older than V1.3. 2. Added IP-address for sending data to LCD. 3. Language files updated. 4. Sometimes, during a read error from the inverter, the daily peak exceeds 10000Wp. This problem has been solved. 5. The power from the GroWatt inverters was not saved to the database. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem. Sunprofit V1.6.0.14(20-02-2015) 1. If the Pac is bigger than 2 times the PMax of the inverter, the Pac will be ignored. 2. If you tried to add a smart meter and you do not have inverters connected, the program restarts in an endless loop. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Alexander van Dijken. Sunprofit V1.6.0.13(28-01-2015) 1. If a new day started then the first line of the file minXXXXXX.js was written twice. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Karel de Boer. Sunprofit V1.6.0.12(25-01-2015) 1. Due to the change to Framework 4.0 the program gave an error in windows XP. This problem has been solved (for the moment). I can give no guarantee that it will work at the next update. Sunprofit V1.6.0.11(12-01-2015) 1. From users with a smart meter, the months and years table was corrupted. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.6.0.10(10-01-2015) 1. From now on Sunprofit uses .Net Framework 4. 2. If a smart meter was added, the Matrix Orbital LCD now shows the current power usage / feedin power. 3. In some cases, the smart meter was not added after adding one. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Karel de Boer. 4. If something went wrong at the firt start of the program, during the second start, the program gives a language error. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Pieter Jelles. 5. The button 'add Soladin' was not enabled. 6. If you updated from an older version than 1.5.0, it could happen that the database was not build correctly. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 7. The database access is improved without a memoryleak and works faster. 8. In some cases, the daily hours of an inverter was not saved in the database. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.5.0.22(17-10-2014) 1. The operating hours of the GroWatt inmverters was calculated wrong. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem. 2. While contacting the GroWatt inverters, an timeout occured. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.5.0.21(13-10-2014) 1. Improved error in German language-file. 2. Improved 'Total yield' text for LCD users. Sunprofit V1.5.0.20(23-09-2014) 1. Some minor bugfixes. 2. During an update from an older version of Sunprofit, some variables were not updated. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Corsat. Sunprofit V1.5.0.19(13-08-2014) 1. In some cases, while updating from older versions, the column 'WebQueue' was not created. This problem has been solved. 1. While converting the database from version to, the General Table was not filled correctly. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.5.0.18(11-07-2014) 1. If you do not use the LCD there could be an Serial port error. This problem has been solved. 2. The tab 'smart meter' was shown even if you did not use one. This problem has been solved. 3. The Mastervolt XS and QS series, exept the 3200 gave an error during the communication. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.5.0.17(05-07-2014) 1. When rebuilding the database, the data in the days table was not rebuild correctly because the days.js file is corrupted. There is another way to save the data by using the minXXXXXX.js files. So This problem has been mostly solved. It can happen that you lose some of the data in the days table. For that I would like to apologize. Thanks for all your tips on this error. Sunprofit V1.5.0.16(01-07-2014) 1. Due to an error in V1.5.0.15 the program can delete data from the days table. This problem has been solved and the days table will be rebuild at the first start of this version. 2. An error could occur if the daily bitmap was calculated and the daily data was not saved to the database. This problem has been solved. Thanks for all your tips on this error. Sunprofit V1.5.0.15(26-06-2014) 1. If you update from an older version, lower than 1.4, and the rebuild of the database went wrong, the program shows a message to contact me. The rebuilded database gets erased and the backup restored. The rest of the data directory remains untouched. Sunprofit V1.5.0.14(21-06-2014) 1. If you select another inverter tab and the inverter is connected to your network, the radio button did not change. This problem has been solved. 2. The update from older versions before V1.4 could gave an error. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jos Eillebrecht. Sunprofit V1.5.0.13(20-06-2014) 1. If you have one inverter installed and try to rebuild the Solarlogdata, the minXXXXXX.js files were not rebuild. This problem has been solved. 2. Added a checkbox 'computer shutdown at sunset.' at the parameters tab special for thin client computers. 3. Removed the buttons 'Ping' and 'FTP-Test' at the parameters tab. 4. If a smartmeter or a Windmaster 500 inverter is added, the checkboxes to hibernate, suspend and shutdown computer are disabled. 5. If a device is connected to your network instead of a comport, the connection led blinks orange instead of green. Sunprofit V1.5.0.12(17-06-2014) 1. Added 'GrowattTotal' into the languages files. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem for his hint. Sunprofit V1.5.0.11(17-06-2014) 1. During the conversion of the daystable, an error could occure. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jos Eillebrecht. 2. The automatic downloading of Sunprofit.exe gave an incorrect executable error. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel 3. The 'all inverters' graph in the charts was not shown. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Ruud Hop Sunprofit V1.5.0.10(15-06-2014) 1. Added the Growatt inverter to the charts. 2. The memoryleak has been solved and Sunprofit can now work without hanging after a few days. 3. A special thanks goes to te folowing people for testing the bèta versions of the software during the last year: Bert van Beusichem Corsat Gerard Jacobs Henk van Bergen Jan Mennema Jorgen Toele Jos de Boer Karel de Boer Marco Demon Rijk van Dam Roelof Bakker Ruud Sunprofit V1.4.0.15(07-01-2014) 1. Changed the Euros_* in the months and years tables. 2. Added kWhTarrif_M2 in the Days and General tables. 3. Added kWhTarrif_T2 anf kWhTarrif_M2 in the tariff_hours.js file. 4. For the Dutch users: Ik heb voor de gebruikers zonder een slimme meter het laagtarief standaard op 27 april (koningsdag) gezet. Dit was tot voor kort dus 30 april (koniginnedag). 5. Changed the calculation of the Dutch holidays due to a rounding error in the calculation. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem for his tip. 6. From now on the autoupdate function checks only once a day for an update. 7. Sunprofit now supports the GroWattt inverters. 8. The calculation of the saved CO2 emissions was not correct. Thanks to Karel de Boer. 9. Sunprofit now supports the 'smart meter' used in the Netherlands. 10. Due to a memory leak, the FTP and HTTP commands are now executed by an external program. (SWS.exe) Sunprofit V1.3.0.93(01-10-2013) 1. In the monthly and yearly graphs the minimum and maximum daily yield were not calculated right. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Karel Dussel. 2. Eliminated a few Memory leaks. 3. In some cases the communication with the Mastervolt QS-3200 inverter is slow. The timeout period for this type of inverter is doubled. Sunprofit V1.3.0.92(18-09-2013) 1. The software coul'd not find the AEG PV 1500 with firmware Y1.00 Thanks to Roelof Bakker. Sunprofit V1.3.0.91(14-09-2013) 1. Added the AEG PV-1500 inverter with firmware Y1.00. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 2. Changed the serial communication language with the several devices into Extended ASCII. Because some users got strange signs on their LCD screen. Special thanks to Marco Broeken for lending his Matrix Orbital LCD LK404-25. 3. Added variable Brightness for the Matrix Orbital LCD LK404-25. Sunprofit V1.3.0.90(18-08-2013) 1. Due to an array error, the rebuild of the mindayXXXXXX.js files went wrong. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel. 2. The Mastervolt QS-3200 was not recognized anymore. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jan Mennema. Sunprofit V1.3.0.89(11-08-2013) 1. Altered the way to calculate the checksum for the Mastervolt inverters. Sunprofit V1.3.0.88(10-08-2013) 1. If you tried to add an inverter an searched for a second time, the old data was not erased. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Ruud Hop 2. After you added a new inverter, the solarlogdata was not rebuild correctly. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Ruud Hop 3. The current data from the mastervolt inverters was not shown propertly. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Theo van Oefflen and Karel de Boer. Sunprofit V1.3.0.87(10-08-2013) 1. Made some improvements to speed up the LCD refresh time. 2. The sunrise, solarnoon and sunset columns in the days table are not longer supported from version However in some cases the columns are not erased. From now on, at the start of the program it looks if the columns exists. If so, the columns are erased. 3. If you tried to add several Mastervolt inverters, the program did not read the data from the inverters. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Theo van Oeffelen. 4. If you tried to add more than one inverter at once, the database able to handle more than one inverter. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.3.0.86(23-07-2013) 1. If your inverter has multiple strings connected, the calculation of the DC voltage for was not devided by the number of strings connected. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jan Mennema. 2. Somtimes the Mastervolt QS3200 inverter returns a string witch is longer than 142 characters. The software then calculated the wrong variables. This problem has been solved. Thanks to jan Minnema. 3. The LCD tab was not shown in the settings form. This problem has been solved. Thans to Henk van Bergen. 4. Sometime if you added an new inverter, the invertergroup was not added anr resulted in an database error if the program was restarted. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Marco Broeken and Peter van Vlijmen. Sunprofit V1.3.0.85(09-07-2013) 1. If the program did not run for more than 10 days, the daily yield calculation of the soladin 600 inverters went wrong. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Henk Sunprofit V1.3.0.84(30-07-2013) 1. If the oldest system connected less than a year, the calculation of the soll month in the solarlog tab was not correct. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Henk van Bergen. 2. If you tried to rebuild/export the Solarlogdata, not all the files were rebuild. This problem has been solved. 3. If you tried to add an OK4 inverter, the program gave an error. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Rijk van Dam. Sunprofit V1.3.0.83(23-07-2013) 1. The calculation of the saved CO2 was not right. This problrm has been solved. Thanks to Karel de Boer. Sunprofit V1.3.0.82(20-07-2013) 1. If you try to add a new inverter a communication error occured. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.3.0.81(29-05-2013) 1. In some cases the calculation of the SolMonth was not correct. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Hugo de Vries. Sunprofit V1.3.0.80(18-05-2013) 1. If the inverter soladin more than 10 days is not read, the program averages the remaining kWh for the remaining days. This calculation was not quite right. This problem has now been solved. Thanks to Rene Stroet. Sunprofit V1.3.0.79(12-05-2013) 1. If you tried to add a second or more inverters, the program gave an error. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. Sunprofit V1.3.0.78(11-05-2013) 1. The AEG PV1500 inverter has a diffrent protocol than the other phoenixtec inverters. I had only one PV1500 inverter to test the software. Today I had another one to test. The program now detects more PV1500 inverter from AEG. Thanks to Roelof Bakker for spending some time to help me. Sunprofit V1.3.0.77(22-04-2013) 1. If you tried to start the program for the first time, it gave a coul'd not find sunprofit.mdb error. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Bert Veldhuijzen. Sunprofit V1.3.0.76(12-04-2013) 1. Database adapted to implement the smart meter. Sunprofit V1.3.0.75(31-03-2013) 1. Manel Sastre updated the Catalan translation for version V1.3.0.75. Thanks Manel! 2. Some people complain about gaps in the graphs. This is due to a timing problem. I hope thant this error is corrected by this version. Sunprofit V1.3.0.74(29-03-2013) 1. Found a way to let the program response quicker. Sunprofit V1.3.0.73(27-03-2013) 1. Sometimes the Soladin or windmaster inverters got 2 strings assigned. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jorgen Toele. 2. Sometimes if an inverter did not respond to a command, the program did not send a command for several minutes. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Pascal. 3. At the end of the day there may be a positive rounding error in the daily yield. This results at the beginning of the day in a negative daily yield. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Karel de Boer. 4. If the DC-Power of an inverter was 0V, the efficiency showed infi(nity). This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.3.0.72(09-03-2013) 1. The value 'DeliveredPowerBeforeStart' was not always filled in while adding new systems. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Ton Vrouwe for his tip. 2. In the yearly charts the combobox 'year' was named Month. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Theo van Soest for his tip. 3. The variable lblSerialNumber was renamed into SerialNumber. But I forgot to implement it in the program. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Arie Timmer for his tip. 4. The program now reacts mutch faster when you click on the form. Also the various calculations and the communication with the inverters are much quicker. 5. In the base_vars.js file, inverters with 2 strings the 'WRInfo' lines did not end with a LineFeed. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker for his tip. Sunprofit V1.3.0.71(07-03-2013) 1. The SollYearKWP was given in kWh instead of kWh/kWp. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem. Sunprofit V1.3.0.69(03-03-2013) 1. From now on the Eaton Phoenixtec G3O-4600/1 inverter is also supported. 2. From now on the temperature of the inverter is shown in PVoutput. 3. For each individual inverter in the monthy charts, the average kWh per day was not calculated right. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel. Sunprofit V1.3.0.68(25-02-2013) 1. If you started the program for the first time, you coul'd not leave the general form. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.3.0.67(24-02-2013) 1. If you choosed the tab Solarlog a .net error occured. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 2. If the 'number of days in operation' does not contain one whole year (1 Jan. till 31 Dec.), the average month values on the solarlog tab are not calculated. From now on, Sunprofit uses default values for each month. Sunprofit V1.3.0.63(23-02-2013) 1. Sunprofit now fully supports Solarlog.This includes the Homepage Kit. You can download it here: Just unrar the file's in the solarlog directory and open index.html or banner.html. Sunprofit can change the data of solarlog at the settings form. There you'll find a tab called SolarLog wich is divided into three sub tabs with the relevant data. 2. In the daily bitmapfile, the daily yield was shown with more than 2 positions behind the comma. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Gerard Jacobs. 3. From now on, there is a 'new line' on the daily bitmap. The average Watt of the inverter during it's online status. The 'old line' is the average Watt from 0:00:00 hour till 23:59:59 hour of this day. 4. The 'number of days in operation' was not calculated right after an update of microsoft. This concerns mostly users with other than Dutch or German windows installations. Thanks to Jos de Boer and Jeroen for their tip. 5. Made a few additions to the language files. Sunprofit V1.3.0.62(16-01-2013) 1. In the charts screen, the average kWh per day was not calculated right. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel. 2. The soladin history was not calculated correctly. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Arie Timmer. Sunprofit V1.3.0.61(12-01-2013) 1. In sunprofit.php and sunprofit.js the amount of CO2 saved was calculated with the kWh yield of this year and not with the total kWh of the inverters. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem. Sunprofit V1.3.0.60(11-01-2013) 1. From now on Sunprofit can save data to PVOutput. For details see It is also possible to show all inverters separately on If you prefer to show all the inverters combined, please fill in the same System ID on all the inverter forms. The program then calculates the totals. 2. Uploading files is now divided into packets of 2048 bytes so during upload of files, the program is more responsive. 3. Calculation of local sunrise, solarnoon and sunset are now more accurate. Thanks to Bert van Beusichem for his tip on the forum. 4. In the database, the Mastervolt Windmaster500 inverters were accidently put in the Soladin 600 group, however they have their own group in the software. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Stéphane Salelles. 5. If you add or remove a new inverter, the SolarLog files are rebuild. 6. If the program was restarted, the daily peak power was reset. This problem has been solved. 7. The Efficiency of some inverters was not showen in the main screen. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel and Marcel de Groot. 8. If the inverter has 2 or 3 string attached, the panel power of the main screen was not correct. This problem has been solved. 9. If there is no connection with the windmaster 500 inverter, the program tried to reconnect every 60 seconds. Now the program tries to reconnect every 10 seconds. Thanks to Stéphane Salelles for his tip. 10. From now on the program also supports the Mastervolt QS-2000 inverter. Thanks to Michiel Koopman From now on the program also supports the Phoenixtec Sunville 6000x inverter. 11. If the Daily peak reset button was pressed, the daily peak was not set to zero. Thanks to Michiel Koopman for his hint. 12. Added 'deliveredpowerthisyearsystem_', 'deliveredpowerkwhkwpthisyearsystem_', 'deliveredpowerthisyear_t' and 'deliveredpowerkwhkwpthisyear_t' into sunprofit.js & sunprofit.php 13. The software now supports the French language. Thanks to Stéphane Salelles for translating it. 14. Added a few rules in the translation files. If a translation is not correct, please contact me. 15. Now the program gives a better calculation of the daily yield between the inverter update's. e.g. The Soladin inverters only update the kWh every five minutes. between this update's, the graphs and solarlog are not calculated precicely enough. If the Pac of the inverter = 34W and five seconds later Pac = 48W, then the program assumes that in these five seconds the inverter generated 0.066666 Wh. (48 / 3600) * 5 If after five seconds the Pac = 34W, the inverter generated 0.0472 Wh. (34 / 3600) * 5 etc. etc. This result is added to the daily yield. At the next kWh update of the inverter, the daily yield is set to the kWh of the inverter So the deviation is reduced to a minimum. This calculation is especially useful for PVoutput and Solarlog. Sunprofit V1.3.0.49(12-10-2012) 1. If the inverters are asleep and the sun is below the horizon, the solarlog files are recalculated once to avoid corrupted data in the files. Sunprofit V1.3.0.48(12-10-2012) 1. From now on you can see the efficiency of each inverter on the main form. Thanks to Marinus Jansen. 2. Added variabele 'totaldeliveredpowersystem_*' in sunprofit.js and sunprofit.php. (* = systemnumber) These are the variables 'DeliveredPowerBeforeStart' & 'DeliveredPowerFromStart' & 'EDay' added together. Thanks to Patrick Wissen for his tip. 3. Added 'Annual yield' in the monthly combobox in the charts form. Thanks to John Nellen for his tip. 4. If the inverters were sleeping and the computers did not sleep, the min_cur.js wa generated every 15 seconds. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 5. Dropped the column 'Fac' in the 'Inverter' table. The variable is obsolete. 6. If you connected 3 different Mastervolt-XS inverters on one comport, the data from the inverters got corrupted. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Theo van Oeffelen. 7. If the proram runs 24 hours a day, after sunset the inverter timers were stopped but they did not restart at sundawn. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Manel Sastre. 8. If the file days_hist.js has a length of zero, the file was not updated. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Theo van Oeffelen. 9. The calculation and drawing of the cahrts are faster then before. Thanks to Manel Sastre. Sunprofit V1.3.0.47(29-08-2012) 1. In some occasions, the data of the last day were not properly erased. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Theo van Oeffelen and Gerard Jacobs. 2. If you did not use the program for several days, the history of the soladin 600 was not read and saved. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Frans Sanders. 3. Added a few lines in the translation files. 4. Thanks to Manel Sastre for his updated Calatan translation. Sunprofit V1.3.0.46(23-08-2012) 1. If you selected monthly statistics only the first inverter data was shown. This porblem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel 2. If you filled 0 at the textbox 'xx (max.99) =: seconds' at the FTP-screen the program gave an error. This problem has been solved. Thanks to John Nellen. 3. If you selected 'Start sunprofit with windows' the key saved is the same command for starting the programm with a normal link. e.g. "C:\Program Files\Sunprofit\Sunprofit.exe" /4 /tray 4. The Auto update function did not work. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel. 5. After found some Mastervolt-XS inverters the 'Add inverter(s)' button stayed hidden. This problem has been solved. 6. If an inverter was in sleepmode, the daily money yield was not shown. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.3.0.45(20-08-2012) 1. Changed the Catalan language in Català in the language form. Thanks to Manel Sastre. 2. Changed the maximum number of characters of the variables 'LoginName' and 'Passwrd' to 100. Thanks to Manel Sastre for the hint. 3. During startup of the program, the variables 'StartWithWindows' and 'FTPTransferSeconds' were updated. This now only happens when you select them. 4. If the program starts for the second time in a day, the 'MaxDailyMeasuredPowerInverter' was reset. 5. If you change form one tab to antoher, it could take several seconds to refresh the whole screen. This problem has been solved. 6. If you tried to add an Mastervolt-XS inverter after an other inverter, the progam gave an error. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jorgen Toele. 7. The communication protocol of the AEG PV1500 differs from the other AEG inverters so the program gave an error while searching this inverter. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Raymond van der Steen. 8. If you have more than one inverter and you start the program with windows, the program did not check if the second inverter was awake. This problem has been solved. Thanks To Dick Engel, Matthias Kruizinga and John Nellen. Sunprofit V1.3.0.44(22-07-2012) 1. From now on, the FTP password is hidden. Greetings to Perter van V. 2. If the soladin or windmaster peak of the day was reset, the daily yield was reset to 0 and stayed 0 whole day long. At the start of the new day, the daily yield of the previous day was filled in correctly. Sunprofit V1.3.0.43(04-07-2012) 1. If you erased the read interval of the inverters, an error occured. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jos Eillebrecht. 2. If the 'TotalKWhInverter' was set to zero by accident or if the 'DateLastRun' was not set, the daily yield was set to the to total delivered power of the inverter. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Gerard Jacobs. Sunprofit V1.3.0.42(24-06-2012) 1. The search of new Tress and Mastervolt-XS inverters gave an comport error. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.3.0.41(24-06-2012) 1. The communication LED now only blinks when there is communication with the selected inverter. 2. If you choose a diffrent inverter from the main screen, the screen refreshes more quickly. 3. Catalan language is now supported. Thanks to Manel Sastre. If your language is not supported, you can easily translate it. Just contact me for instructions. 4. If the inverter responded not quick enough or the data was corrupted, the program waited for 10 seconds for furter communication with the inverter. From now on, the program tries three times to get good data from the inverter before it waits 60 seconds. 5. The 'show all messages' flag didn't work properly. This problem has been solved. 6. from now if an inverter goes into sleep mode, this wil be shown only once in the status screen. Sunprofit V1.3.0.40(13-06-2012) 1. The program triggert a timeout while receiving data from the inverters. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jorgen Toele, Marinus Jansen, Frans Sanders, Jos de Boer, Alois Kamps and Manel Sastre. Sunprofit V1.3.0.39(12-06-2012) 1: If you selected the monthly charts, an error occured. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Marinus, Frits Wortelboer, Frans Sanders and Jos de Boer. 2: The data of some inverters were not received correctly so it seemed they were sleeping. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Theo van Oeffelen and Gerard Jacobs. Sunprofit V1.3.0.38(11-06-2012) 1. From now you can, if you have an very old version of Sunprofit, update to the latest version without losing data. Thanks to Nico van Rijn for sharing his old database. 2. If you choose to stop logging, the program asks to delete the logged data in the database. 3. If you selected to go a month back or forward in time in the daily graphs, the program did not stop after just one month. It wend on and on. This Problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 4. If you tried to open the LCD, the Programm gave an 'already in use' error. This Problem has been solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. 5. If the FTP test isn't succesful, and if the FTP path doesn't start with ftp:// , the program tries to test the address with ftp://yourftppath. If the test is succesful, the ftp-address is altrered into ftp://yourftppath. 6. From now on you can also use a Networkpath as FTP-path. Example: "\\Networkstation\solarlog\" 7. The ping function to check if there is an internet connection, is disabled. This function is now only used if your inverter has an ip-address. Sunprofit V1.3.0.37(30-05-2012) 1. From now on you can, if you accedentely deleted the them, rebuild the minXXXXXX.js files from the database. Because this function takes a lot of CPU-time, other tasks of sunprofit will have a higer priority. It could take several hours to rebuild the files and the computer will not go to sleep before the all files are rebuild. 2. min_cur.js will be uploaded for the last time to het net just before the computer goes to sleep. This to be shure that the current power is set to zero. 3. The Solar yield profileaddress was not saved into the database if it was altered. Thanks to Peter Van V. 4. From now on the dialy yields of the inverters are also shown in the daily bitmaps. Thanks to Sathopper for his tip. Sunprofit V1.3.0.36(23-05-2012) 1. The file min_cur.js used by SolarAnalyzer is updated every minute independedly from the files sunprofit.js and/or sunprofit.php 2. If there are one or more Windmaster 500 inverters, the program restarts every day at 00:00 hour. This to prevent memory leaking. Thanks to Jos Dekker. 3. The total daily and monthly graphs for the Mastervolt-XS inverters were not show correctly. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Gerard Jacobs. 4. The comports were opened everytime the data was collected from the inverters and closed afterwards. This consumes al lot of CPU-time. From now on, the ports are opened at the beginning of the program and closed when ending the program. 5. The operating hours of the windmaster inverter was not saved correctly. This could result in a write error to the database. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jos Dekker. 6. If the database was rebuild after deleting it, only the months of this year were rebuild and not the months of the past years. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.3.0.35(04-05-2012) 1. From now on the Mastervolt, XS-2000, XS-3200 and XS-4300 inverters are also supported. Thanks To Scouting Marsua(XS-3200) and Gerard Jacobs (XS-2000 & XS-4300). If you have another XS type of inverter, please contact me for support. 2. From now on SolarAnalyzer can show the current power of the inverters. The file min_cur.js used by SolarAnalyzer is updated together with sunprofit.js or sunprofit.php. Full license of SolarAnalyzer is required. Thanks to Stephan Collet from SolarAnalyzer. 3. Made some changes in the language files. 4. From now on Multiple Tress, Chint and Mastervolt-XS inverters can be shown in the charts form. 5. Changed the color of the average line in the daily bitmap from Pink to brown for a better contrast. Thanks to Ton Vrouwe for his remark. 6. Changed the font size of the text in the daily bitmap from 8 to 9. 7. If you have one ore more windmaster inverters, the dialy graphs will be calculated the whole day. The daily graphs from the other inverter will only be calculated if they are active. 8. The backslash was not added in the FTP-address automatically if it wasn't filled in. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 9. When an UCN-path was filled in the FTP-address, the FTP test wasn't disabled. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. Sunprofit V1.3.0.34(27-04-2012) 1. Due to an translation error the program was inresponsive. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Tim Wijnands and Jos Dekker. Sunprofit V1.3.0.33(25-04-2012) 1. Made some changes in the language files. 2. Some translations in the Add OK4 form were not made. 3. If a Chint inverter was added, the inverter was not saved into the database. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jan Snippe. Sunprofit V1.3.0.32(15-04-2012) 1. Added a checkbox'Delete files before uploading' if you wish to delete the files on the server before uploading new files. (See FTP tab in the Parameters menu.) 2. Added 'chkDoNotUploadBaseVarsJs' and 'chkDeleteFilesBeforeUploading' in the languages files. 3. The flags for the statusmessages weren't saved when clicked. This problem has been solved. 4. The processing time of various functions are significantly reduced. 5. Made some changes in the language files. Sunprofit V1.3.0.31(14-04-2012) 1. The files tariff_hours.js, days_hist.js and base_vars are once a day uploaded to the internet. 2. From now on you can choose if you want to upload the file 'base_bars.js' (See FTP tab in the Parameters menu.) The version of base_vars.js sunprofit makes, conflicts with the version of the website based of SolarLog. Thanks to Markus Betz for the tip. 3. Rewritten the FTP function. If there is no connection with the internet, the program waits until there is a connection and uploads the files which are buffered for uploading. If there is a file to be uploaded and the same file is already bufferd, the last file will not be bufferd for upload. Sunprofit V1.3.0.30(13-04-2012) 1. The FTP function altered in version did not work in all cases. This version is an temporary solution for the problem. In the next days I'll rewrite the function to let it work correctly. Sunprofit V1.3.0.29(13-04-2012) 1. The daily graphic background was made every time the program was started. From now on, the background is only made once a day. 2. The minimum read interval of the inverters is now 1000 ms. Otherwise the computer is only busy with reading the inverter and not with writing the data into the database. 3. If the internet connection was down, the program could come in an infinite loop. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Robin Ketelaars and Jorgen Toele. Sunprofit V1.3.0.28(12-04-2012) 1. From now on the AEG PV2000, PV4600 and PV10000 inverters are also supported. 2. The files days_hist.js and tariff_hours.js were only uploaded to the internet at the start of the program. Now they are uploaded every hour. 3. The FTP-test was always successfull. Even if there was no internet connection. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Menno Norden. 4. The lowest yield of the month in the charts screen was not calculated correctly. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Sunprofit V1.3.0.27(07-04-2012) 1. When the program starts, the number of inverter errors was not calculated an therefore not shown. This problem has been solved. 2. In some cases, the Chint inverters reset their total yield. If this happens, the daily yield stayed on zero until the total yield reached the old yield of the inverter. From now on the program detects if the total yield of the inverter is reset and overwrites the yield in the database with the new yield of the inverter. Thanks to Ruud Hop. 3. in som cases not all of the redundant years were earased. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. Sunprofit V1.3.0.26(27-03-2012) 1. Due to a date bug, there was saved more data into the months and years table than necessary. The redundant data will be cleared during the first start of the program. 2. if the internet connection is broken for several hours, an error coul'd occure. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Menno Norden. 3. Current power above 1000 W. wasn't shown correctly at the main screen. Sunprofit V1.3.0.25(16-03-2012) 1. The files Sunprofit.js and Sunprofit.php were uploaded to the Internet every minute besides the uploadtime the user filled in. This problem has been solved. 2. Extracting number of logged Years from the database made faster. 3. Calculating days_hist.js is now much faster. 4. Due to an write error the last error of the inverter was not saved. So new errors were not shown. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Ron Nuberg. 5. When de program shuts down, a backup of the database was made two times. This problem has been solved. 6. The sunprofit.php and / or sunprofit.js did not refresh if the FTP-adress textbox was not filled in. This problem has been solved. Thanks to John Nellen. Sunprofit V1.3.0.24(10-03-2012) 1. At the first day of a new month, the new month was not saved in months.js. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 2. Added support for the Tress inverters. 3. The daily charts of the Chint inverters was not saved. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Frits Wortelboer and Ruud Hop. Sunprofit V1.3.0.23(29-02-2012) 1. At the first start the program did not show the General tab. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Ruud Hop. 2. Made a few cosmetic changes during startup of the program. Sunprofit V1.3.0.22(28-02-2012) 1. base_vars.js was not created while running the program. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. Sunprofit V1.3.0.21(26-02-2012) 1. Due to a date bug, there was saved more data into the days table than necessary. The redundant data will be cleared during the first start of the program. 2. As from this version you can start Sunprofit when Windows starts. The checkbox can be found in the 'General' tab of the 'Parameters' screen. 3. The maximum number of inverter errors is reduced to 2500. The oldest errors are erased. 4. At the FTP-tab I've added a few checkboxes and time settings. Checkboxes added: Binary mode, Passive mode, Keep connection alive, Transfer Sunprofit.js and/or Sunprofit.php. Time settings added: FTP-Time out time, Upload interval of Sunprofit.js and/or Sunprofit.php Sunprofit V1.3.0.20(21-02-2012) 1. From now on the date format is cultural independent. The programm uses its own date format. 2. Added a new tab, 'FTP', in the settings screen for future extensions. Sunprofit V1.3.0.19(14-02-2012) 1. The systemname can now be 15 characters long. 2. The number of com ports controlled during startup of the program has been expanded to 100. 3. The textlength of the variable daily peak has been expanded from 6 to 8. This to avoid problems with peaks higher than 999W. 4. The textlength of the variable TimeoutTime has been expanded from 4 to 5. This to avoid problems with timout times longer than 9999 miliseconds. 5. If the database (sunprofit.mdb) was earased an rebuild, there coul'd occure an calculation error. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. 6. Due to an error, the computer woke up and went to sleep within a minute so it looked that the computer did not woke up at all. This Problem has been solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. 7. If the database was corrupted and rebuild, the temperature of the last inverter was not saved in the minutes table. This problem has been solved. 8. After waking up, the files days_hist.js en tariff_hours.js were not calculated so that the data of Solarlog lags one day behind. This problem has been solved. 9. If the history of the soladin was read and the program was restarted at the same day, the history was read angain. From now the Soladin history is only read once a day. 10. By changing from local to multicultural, the daily yield in the charts were not shown properly. This problem has been solved. 12. Made some text fields longer for the German language. Sunprofit V1.3.0.18(26-01-2012) 1. Sunprofit is now multicultural. This means that numbers wich are written in different cultures, are supported. e.g. 1.200,00,1 200.00 and 1200.00 2. If the tariffs were changed, the current day was not recalculated. This problem has been solved. 3. Made a few minor changes in the manual. 4. Rewrote the function to calculate sunrise and sunset times. If either the longitude or latitude were negative, the program ignored the minus sign. 5. Changed the maxlength for the textboxes Longitude an Latitude to 8 caracters. So you can use the minus sign without problems. 6. From now on, you can save the solarlogdata to a local path instead through FTP. Just enter the local path name in the FTP-textbox. The drivename should be entered. e.g. (C:\Temp\) The logon name and password do not have to be entered. 7. The money yield wich is displayed on the LCD was not calculated right. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. Sunprofit V1.3.0.17(21-01-2012) 1. If you start the program after the inverters went to sleep, the totals were not calculated correctly. This coul'd cause dataloss. Sunprofit V1.3.0.16(15-01-2012) 1. If the program restarts for the first time, the database was erased, so the program could not fint the database. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Colin Campbell. 2. Colin Campbell repaired some translation errors in the English language file. Sunprofit V1.3.0.15(14-01-2012) 1. Found a memoryleak that hung the computer, after a few days running. 2. During the first start of the program, the startdate was calculated. However the startdate can only be filled in after the restart start of the program. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Colin Campbell from the UK. 3. Due to timeouterrors during the upload of files, the timeout time is set to 5 seconds instead of 1 second. Sunprofit V1.3.0.14(14-01-2012) 1. The manual update from the menu did not work. This problem has been solved. 2. At the first start of the programm, the General tab of the Paramaters screen was not shown. Sunprofit V1.3.0.13(10-01-2012) 1. Changed the Directory Sonnenertrag into Solarlog. 2. Changed the names sonnenertrag into Solarlog in the language files. 3. Changed the text 'OK4E' into 'OK4-100' in the combobox of the settings screen of the OK4 inverters. 4. The Connect button in the LCD and Solarboiler screen did not work properly. This problem has been solved. 5. If you for the second time went to the settings screen, the 'Save Parameters' button was not enebled. This problem has been solved. 6. The com ports were not shown in the comboboxes of the parameters screen. This problem has been solved. 7. The Autoupdate programm gave an error during installing. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.3.0.12(05-01-2012) 1. The daily peak of the LCD was not shown correctly. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. 2. Each 31 december of all years were not saved in the days_hist.js file. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 3. Due to the year change from 2011 into 2012, the soladin history was not read correctly. This problem has been solved. There should be no dataloss. Sunprofit V1.3.0.11(29-12-2011) 1. If the database should be rebuild and the programm gives an error during rebuilding, the whole DATA-tree was deleted. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 2. At the Overview screen, the 'Total CO2 saved Kg' was not shown correctly. This problem has been solved. 3. Some text fields made wider for the German language. 4. The total percent power of the LCD was not shown correctly. This problem has been solved. Thanks To Marko Kurschus. 5. Fixed some translation errors in the language-files. Sunprofit V1.3.0.10(21-12-2011) 1. After waking up the computer the data of the previous day was saved into today. This only happens if your computer reboots after waking up. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel. Sunprofit V1.3.0.00(18-12-2011) 1. Cleaned up the sonnenertrag data to work better with SolarAnalyzer. 2. After the program wakes up the computer, the LCD wasn't initialised. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. 3. If there is no connection with the selected inverter in the main screen, the inverscreen wasn't updated. This problem has been solved. 4. From now on you can delete invertersystems from the database. All the data, etc, from the deleted inverter will be erased. 5. During the night, the program did not collect data from the windmaster 500 inverters. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jos Dekker. 6. Added a Main menu for the inverters. 7. Restored an translation error in the nl.ini file. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jos Dekker. 8. From now on the Windmaster 500 history data isn't read anymore. The minimal voltage of the inverter is about 30V. If a windmill delivers less voltage, the inverter starts with a new day. This problem also occurs with the soladin 600 inverters, but the problem is less big than with the Windmaster 500. The daily yield is now calculated as follows: DailyYield = total delivered power inverter - (delivered power inverter before start + delivered power inverter from start). The disadvantage here is that the daily yield of the inverter should be monitored 24 hours a day. By selecting 'use computer as logger', your computer wil monitor 24 hour a day. 9. If you select 'use computer as logger' the soladin 600 history isn't read anymore. 20-11-2011 - From now on the history of the soladin is read again. See the problem at point 8. Instead of windmill you can fill in solarpanels. 10. Sometimes, during the startup of the inverter, the output to the file the minXXXXXX.js could contain an 'n' instead of an '0'. This Problem has been solved thanks to Marko Kurschus and Stephan Collet. 11. If the database was corrupted, deleted and rebuild, the daystable wasn't filled. This Problem has been solved. 12. Added years.js for FTP-upload for the use of SolarAnalyzer. 13. The total yield of the inverters in the sunprofit.js and sunprofit.php files was calculated wrong. This problem has been solved. 14. After the LCD was initialized, it dit not refreh anymore. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. 15. The maximum length of the sytemname is 10 characters. In the textbox however you could type more than 10 character. If you do so the name wasn't stored in the database. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Tim Wijnands. 16. To use inverters with more than 1 string attached, the Minutes table has been altered. The columns V1dc_, P1dc_, I1dc, V2dc_, P2dc_, I2dc, V3dc_, P3dc_, I3dc are added Also The files sunprofit.js and sunprofit.php includes these variables. For inverters with only one string attached, The variables in sunprofit.js and sunprofit.php do not change. 17. The Inverter table has been altered. The columns InverterGroup, StringsConnected, PConnectedString1, PConnectedString2, PConnectedString3, PmaxString1, PmaxString2, PmaxString3, PmaxDateString1, PmaxDateString2 and PmaxDateString3 are added. 18. The program now supports also the following inverters: Chint: CPS SC1.5KTL, CPS SC2.0KTL, CPS SC2.8KTL, CPS SC4.0KTL Phoenixtec: CMS2000 Schneider Electric: SunEzy600E, SunEzy2800 Eaton: Eaton ETN2000 Other types of the Chint, Phoenixtec, Eaton and Schneider inverters may also work but I am not able to test them. If you have troubles with other types please contact me for a solution. 19. Added a new function that deletes the file on the FTP-server before uploading the new one. 20. After a few seconds, the image of the inverter on the inverter tab changed from the Chint into the Mastervolt image. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Dick Engel. 21. The base_vars.js now supports inverters with more than one string connected. 22. If you add an inverter, a new screen appears to seach for inverters and to show you detailed information about the inverter. 23. In a period of several days, some computers with Windows 7 with only 1Gb of RAM, the memory is gradually filled. Now you can chooce the function 'Reboot computer after waking up.' from the 'Genral' tab. This prevents the computer from not responding. To fully use this option, you must use autologin ! 24. The daily bitmaps are not saved to the directory DATA\Bitmaps\[invertername]\[Year]\Daily anymore. There is a better alternative for this, SolarAnalyzer 25. If the database is corrupted, the data in the sonnenertrag directory will rebuild the database after deleting it. The files, Inverter.ini, Lcd.ini, Solarboiler.ini, General.ini, the .sts-files, .smh-files and the .sdh-files are no longer needed. The data from the .ini-files are now stored in the base_vars.js file. The ftp-address, loginname and password are not stored to this file, beacause the base_vars.js file is uploaded to the FTP-address. After rebuilding the database, this data should be re-entered. 26. If the computer woke up after 0:00 hour and before sundawn, the computers got into sleep but woke up 24 hours later. This problem has been solved. 27. From now on the files months.js and years.js are also generated and saved into the sonnenertrag directory. The file tariff.js is not an official solarlog file but I have to generate it because it contains the daily tariff and the daily operating hours of the inverters. 28. Added a splashscreen while starting up. 29. From now on the program tries to communicate with the inverters immeadetly after starting up. 30. Improved the calculation of the history 'bug' from the Mastervolt inverters. The program tries to discover on which day the inverters has been reset and recalculates the historical data from these inverters. 31. The Dailypeak was not reset at 0:00 am or at the programstart on a new day. This problem has been solved. 32. From now if you select a daily, monthly or yearly graph, the graph of the current inverter is shown. At the overview tab, the graph of all the inverters is shown. 33. Date time picker replaced by month calendar in the daily graph screen. From now on the dates you've logged are bolded in the month calendar. 34. If you never used the Directory 'sonnenertrag' the program gave an error while updating the min_XXXXXX.js files of that directory. This problem has been solved. Thanks to John Grove. 35. If you got an béta-version, the rebuild of the database coul'd go wrong. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jos Dekker. 36. To speed up the daily charts, the program looks for the minXXXXXX.js file instead of searching the data in the database. Reading the file goes a lot faster than reading the database. If the file does not exist, the program tries to get the data from the database. 37. At the months and years table, the redemption and money saved data was incorrect. This problem has been solved. Thanks to John Nellen, Jos Eillebrecht and Dick Engel. 38. If the inverters are sleeping and the database is rebuild, the yields from today were not saved into the database. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 39. If you rebuild the database, the data of today wasn't saved in the database. This problem occurs always, because the days_hist.js does not contain the data of today. To resolve this problem, the program looks for minXXXXXX.js of today and tries to extract the data from the file. This only works when you use the programm as a logger. 40. The firmware revision of the Soladin and Windmaster inverters were not shown correctly. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Jos Eillebrecht. 41. The data on the sonnenertragsite wasn't updated anymore. The peak power in the days_hist.js wasn't defined correctly. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. 42. The datenotation in the months.js file was not correct. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. Sunprofit V1.2.0.20 (24-07-2011) 1. Due to an programm error the LCD data was not shown correctly. This problem has been solved. 2. If there is only one inverter in use, the program will disable the 'autorotate' checkbox of the LCD. 3. If there is no LCD selected, the program will not try to open an link to it anymore. Sunprofit V1.2.0.19 (24-07-2011) 1. The percent calculation of the LCD-screen was not correct, so the value of some inverters always was 0%. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. 2. During a refresh of the LCD-screen an error could occur. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Ron Nuberg. 3. If you use sonnenertrag data, and het inverter is not running, the minXXXXXX.js file shows an 'n' for the current power instead of a zero. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.2.0.18 (03-07-2011) 1. Made the RS-232 timeout working better. Sometimes an error occured and the timeout function was not called, this resulted in an endless loop of the function. 2. Made some additions to the file base_vars.js to make it work better with SolarAnalyzer. 3. Renamed all the minXXXXXX.dat files to minXXXXXX.js. These files ony appear if you use the computer as logger. 4. Added min_day.js and minXXXXXX.js for FTP-upload for the use of SolarAnalyzer. 5. If the program starts up for the first time this day or woke up from hibernate, the bitmaps from the previous day were visible. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Frits Wortelboer and Roelof Bakker. 6. Added the variable MaximumPowerWindmill in the translations files. 7. Made a change in the program for starting up for the first time. The inverterpanel could appear instead of the choice witdh inverter you want to add. 8. If there already was one inverter, you could not add another one. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. Sunprofit V1.2.0.17 (26-06-2011) 1. From now on, you can change the Mastervolt invertertypes at any time. 2. Due to several FTP-errors, I decide to redesign the FTP-functions 3. The program checks every 5 minutes if the internet connection is available. If not, during 5 minutes the program will not try to upload any file. Sunprofit V1.2.0.16 (23-06-2011) 1. If you're computer is slow, a call stack error could occure. The program did not respond to any task. This problem has been solved. 2. After FTP-updating the bitmap's, the programm did not logoff from the FTP. An 'already logged in' error could occur This problem has been solved. 3. Made screen refresh of the inverters more efficient. Example: If you changed the tab from one inverter to another of the same type e.g. Soladin 600, the whole screen was refreshed. Now only the know inverter data are updated. 4. Made status screen font smaller for better readability and changed some error texts. 5. Prevent to start the the program more than once. 6. If you changed the LCD parameters, an error could occure. This problem has been solved. 7. Made the calculation of the daily bitmaps faster. 8. If a soladin inverter stops in the middle of the day and then resumes, the next day the wrong data is written to the database. This probem has been solved. Thanks to Marco Kurschus and Jos de Boer. Sunprofit V1.2.0.14 (03-06-2011) 1. Changed the number of decimals behind the comma of the variable totalyieldkwh_t from 2 into 3. 2. From now you can use sunprofit.php into your php code's for live data on the internet. Read the manual how to use the code. 3. A new variable, startdatesystem, has been added to the sunprofit.js and sunprofit.php. Read the manual how to use the code. 4. Due to a bug, the sunset time was not calculated right. This problem has been solved. 5. From now on you can change the write interval of the LCD. 6. You can also choose to rotate the live data of the inverters on the LCD screen by selecting Auto rotoate in the LCD settings screen. 7. Moth Graph of all the Soladin 600 was not shown. 8. From now on the program makes a backup of the database on every day of the week while closing or if the computer goes into hibernate. E.g. moday.mdb, tuesday.mdb etc. 9. From now you can also log 24 hours a day with the windmaster 500 from Mastervolt. If you select the windmaster 500, the hibernate and suspend mode are not available. The timescale of the daily graph, will start at 0:00 hour and ends at 23:59 hour. 10. The width of the dailybitmaps are bigger because of implementing the windmaster 500 inverter. The timescale of the dailybitmaps starts at 0:00 hour and ends at 23:59 hour. 11. If all the inverters are offline, the FTP-upload wil be disabled. Thanks to Jos Dekker for his tip. 12. Added a FTP-Test button to test the FTP-adress. Thanks to Pieter Bogema for his tip. 13. From now on the autoupdate, if selected, will make contact with the updateserver only once a day. Sunprofit V1.2.0.12 (17-05-2011) 1. After saved the general parameters during the first run, the screen for adding an PV-system was not shown. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Theo van Soest and John Nellen. Sunprofit V1.2.0.11 (15-05-2011) 1. Made some changes to improve the accuracity of the soladin 600 errors. 2. If you close the program at the paramerters form at the first start, the data directory wasn't erased totally. After starting up the program again, there were multiple .NET errors. This problem has been solved. Thanks to John. 3. If an new inverter error accors with a soladin inverter, the error was displayed at the inverter form but was not saved. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Ron Nuberg. Sunprofit V1.2.0.10 (08-05-2011) 1. Inverter errors were not saved after detection if the file was bigger than 32 Kb. This problem was caused because a variable was defined as a short instead of a double. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Ron Nuberg. 2. If you use the copmputer as logger, the daily bitmaps are now saved every 5 minutes in the directory DATA\Bitmaps\[invertername]\[Year]\Daily Sunprofit V1.2.0.9 (02-05-2011) 1. If you opened the chartsform for the second time, only the English translation was shown. This problem has been solved. 2. If you have more than one inverter than the program gives an error when entering hibernate. The problem is that the program tries to save the daychart_total.bmp to the total bitmapdirectory. This directory was not made by the program so a save error occured. This problem has been solved, the totalbitmap directory is made by the program if it doesn't exist. Sunprofit V1.2.0.8 (01-05-2011) 1. Made custom characters for Euro(€) and Pound(£) signs for the Matrix Orbital LCD's. 2. Made an directory in witch the daily bitmaps are saved. You can find them in the DATA\Bitmaps\[invertername]\[Year]\Daily They Are saved as MMDD.bmp MM = Month and DD = Day. 3. At the daily charts, the amount of money saved stayed at 0.00. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.2.0.7 (29-04-2011) 1. In the translation table there were some errors in the month translations. Ma stood for the months March and May, Ju for June and July. Now I went back to use the first three letters of each month. Thanks to Jos de Boer who pointed me to this error. Sunprofit V1.2.0.6 (25-04-2011) 1. If the program was started more than once a day or after sundawn, the OK4 daily yield was erased. This problem has been solved. 2. If you closed the program at the 'choose language' screen, the program dit not shut down. This problem has been solved. 3. If the program was started in tray mode the program was visible in the taskbar. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.2.0.5 (24-04-2011) 1. Made some adjustments in the languages files. 2. Method of counting number of inverter errors made faster. 3. The saved amount of CO2 was calculated wrong. The Daily CO2 yield wasn't added to the total. This problem has been solved. 4. Added multiple languages for LCD usage. Sunprofit V1.2.0.4 (22-04-2011) 1. If you change in the charts form from daily charts to monthly & yealy charts, an error could occur. This problem has been solved. 2. Made some adjustments in the languages files. e.g. Currency 3. The settings of the LCD weren't saved to the Database. This problem has been solved. Sunprofit V1.2.0.3 (21-04-2011) 1. If you select 'Inverter errors'in the main menu, the error screen of the inverter from the active tab appears. If you close the screen, an errors occurs when the active tab is not an Soladin600. This problem has been solved, thanks to Ron Nuberg. Sunprofit V1.2.0.2 (17-04-2011) 1. If the computer did not log for a few days, the missing days were not updated in the database. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. 2. Added a Tab for the use of a Matrix Orbital 4X40 LCD. Sunprofit V1.2.0.1 (09-04-2011) 1. Made an translation error. In the program I corrected Sleepmodus in Sleepmode. Thanks to Roelof Bakker and Marko Kurschus. 2. Changed some type errors in the translationfiles En.ini and Nl.ini 3. Made daily kWh/kWp per inverter and daily kWh/kWp for all inverters added in sunprofit.js Read the Manual how to use these variables in your html page's. Sunprofit V1.2.0.0 (09-04-2011) 1. Started to use multiple languages by reading an language file. Current languages are Dutch, English and German. Users can now translate and change the standard language in their own. 2. Changed text Sunrise & sunset into icons. 3. If you choose montly & yearly charts from the main form, an error could occure. This problem has been solved. 4. Put the Language selection in the Miscellaneous menu of the main form It was located in the general tab of the Parameters form. 5. Added saved CO2 per kWh (dblCO2kWh) in language files. This variable differs in each country. 6. After a lost connection or received wrong data, the connection timeout was 60 seconds, it is brought down to 10 seconds. If the sun has already set or before sun dawn the connection timeout remains 60 seconds. 7. Made a 'Reset button' to reset the maximum power of an inverter in the parameters form. 8. Reduced the inverters refresh screen interval. 9. Made an Daily background bitmap for the inverters. (background.dat, you can rename it in background.bmp to see what I mean.) Until now, the background was recalculated every five minutes, from now on it is calculated once a day, or at the startup of the program. 10. When the Soladin inverter sleeps, the total amount of delivered power was shown incorrectly. This problem has been solved. thanks to Marko Kurschus and Roelof Bakker. 11. Added an autoupdate for the program. At every startup and at sunrise, The program checks if there is an update and downloads it. You can turn this function on or off in the general section of the Parametes form. Sunprofit V1.1.1.1 (17-03-2011) 1. Due to a programm error The OK4 inverters could not be foud. This problem has been solved 2. If a connection error occure to often, you can raise the variable 'timeout time' in the parameter screen. 3. If you start the program after sunset and the hibernate function is enabled then the computer immeadetly goes to sleep. From now on the program waits 10 minutes afer starting and then forces the computer to sleep. This issue was discovered by Rien Veldsink. 4. If you, during the first startup of the program, select "2 minutes sleep test" the program gave an time error. The button can now only be used if there is at least one inverter. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Rien Veldsink. Sunprofit V1.1.1.0 (07-02-2011) 1. Made an English manual see manual.pdf 2. Made an English translation for the word "Slaapstand" = "Sleep" Sunprofit V1.1.0.9 (05-02-2011) 1. The suspend mode wasn't saved in the database. This problem has been solved. 2. Changed the refreshrate of the attention screen. Windows doesn't give an 'non responsive' error anymore. 3. The monthly totals were not saved in the database due to a calculation error. This problem has been solved. 4. When the database was deleted and the program was started up again, the database wasn't filled with the logged minutes files (e.g. min110205.dat) This problem was solved. 5. If the programm wasn't run for a few days, only the history of today was saved in the database. This problem has been solved. Thanks to Johan Theunisz Sunprofit V1.1.0.8 (31-01-2011) 1. If the main screen is visible and if there is a new highest peak, more than 100%, the Bargraph gave an color error. This problem has solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus. 2. Due to a calculation error, the month and year graphs of the last inverter was not shown. This problem has solved. Thanks to Marko Kurschus, Roelof Bakker and Johan Theunisz Sunprofit V1.1.0.7 (27-01-2011) 1. The Daily Yields were not saved in the database. This problem has been solved. 2. The suspend mode didn't work. This problem has been solved thanks to Marko Kurschus. Sunprofit V1.1.0.6 (25-01-2011) 1. Added separate ErrorState for each Soladin600 inverter. 2. Added temperature of each inverter in sunprofit.js 3. Added an skyblue arc in the bitmaps during the time the sun shines. 4. You can now choose between suspend mode and hibernate mode during night times. 5. Added Sunrise, Solarnoon and Sunset for each day in the Days table of sunprofit.mdb. 6. Made an start of recalculating days history from Soladin 600. If the soladin is offline for more than 1 day, the program searches the last day in the database the soladin has been online. If it has found this day, it checks the remaining days with the soladin and places the right data in the database. If the soladin has been offline more than once a day, it ignores the data. The solution above has te be worked out further. 7. Due to the Mastervolt recall, the firmware version, revision and date are now read form the soladin everytime the program starts. This function disabled itself when the firmware data was read for the first time. 8. Remaned IDOmvormer of the inverter table in InverterID. 9. At the first start you can choose your Language. At the moment it is only Dutch and English. 10. The graphical interfaces during the first start is now optimized. Some forms remained minimized during startup. Sunprofit V1.1.0.5 (26-11-2010) 1. Language is automated at first start and afterwards changable in Dutch or English. 2. Code of reading the OK-4 inverters optimized. Now more than 25% faster. Temperature and delivered power are now gathered once a minute. It used to be 3 to 4 times a minute. 3. An language error occured when the program runs for the first time. This problem is solved. Sunprofit V1.1.0.4 (22-11-2010) 1. A bug caused reading false history data from the Soladin 600. This has been corrected. 2. Added the totals of all the inverters in sunprofit.js. pac_t, todaysyieldkwh_t, todaysyieldmoney_t, todayspeakpower_t, totalyieldkwh_t, totalyieldmoney_t Sunprofit V1.1.0.3 (21-11-2010) 1. In the textboxes of the inverter startdate, you could type any date, also the dates which did not exist. I Changed the textboxes into comboboxes, so this could not happen again. Thanx to Chris van Dok 2. If the computer wakes up unexpected before sunrise, it went to sleep within a minute. However some people would like to read the daily charts and started the computer while it is sleeping. From now on, the computer waits 10 minutes before it goes to sleep after waking up before sunrise. 3. Added the sunrise and sunset times in sunprofit.js. 4. Added the English language interface as default language as the program runs for the first time. 5. Made the database working with the years to come. Especially for the Soladin inverters. E.g. if you read the data from the past 10 days at January the 3rd 2011, the database should look back until December the 25th in the year 2010. Sunprofit V1.1.0.2 (16-10-2010) 1. Changed the check input data. When the program runs for the first time it made the wrong descicions. 2. The command to change the variable 'omvormer' to 'inverter' dit not work. This has been corrected. 3. If you logged more than 2 Soladin's, only the data from the first soladin was saved. This has been corrected. Thanks to Roelof Bakker. Sunprofit V1.1.0.1 1. Changed some english translations. 2. If a Soladin600 generated an error, the program did not save it. Thanks to Rini Slok Sunprofit V1.1.0.0 1. The hibernatefunction is now enabled by default if your computer supports it. 2. From this Von I started with implemanation of multiple languages. 3. Changed the name of the program to Sunprofit 4. Programmed a routine to Rename column names, table names etc. Zonopbrengst V1.0.1.2 1. het is niet meer mogelijk om na het invoegen van een nieuwe omvormer nog een omvormer toe te voegen. De vorige omvormer moet eerst hernoemd worden. Zonopbrengst V1.0.1.1 14-08-2010 1. Als de hoogst haalbare piek werd gehaald dan werd deze waarde in de database geschreven met de datum waarop dit gebeurd is. Bij een overgedimensioneerd systeem, bv Soladin 600 met meer dan 600Wp aan panelen, kan het honderden malen per dag voorkomen dat dit gebeurd. De data word dan ook honderden malen weggeschreven. Dit is nu teruggebracht naar maximaal één maal per dag omdat nu ook gekeken word naar de datum van de gebeurtenis. 2. Bij het aanmaken van het bestand 'zonopbrengst.js' werden de dagopbrengst in Wh getoont terwij deze in kWh weergegeven moeten worden. Dit is aangepast 3. Ook werd bij 'totaalopbrengstkwh' de dagopbrengst van de huidige dag niet opgeteld. Dit is ook aangepast. Met dank aan Roelof Bakker. 4. Eerst ging de computer op een vast berekende tijd in slaapstand. Dit is veranderd omdat systemen gericht naar het westen ook na zonsondergang nog werken. Nu kijkt het programma eerst of alle systemen in slaapstand zijn en gaat dan pas uit. Zonopbrengst V1.0.1.0 05-08-2010 1. Vanaf deze Vkan er gebruik gemaakt worden van zonopbrengst.js. In dit bestand staan de aanroepfuncties om gegevens op een website te krijgen. De uitleg is te vinden in de handleiding. 2. In het tabblad 'Overzicht' werd de waarde 'Totale dagopbrengst €' verkeerd getoont. Dit is aangepast. Zonopbrengst V1.0.0.9 04-08-2010 1. Bij het opslaan van de omvormerinstellingen werd de waarde van 'maximaal vermogen omvormer' met een factor 100 vermenigvuldigd. Dit probleem is opgelost. Met dank aan Roelof Bakker. 2. Bij het tonen van alleen de paneelspanning in de daggrafieken werden er geen gegevens getoond. Dit probleem is opgelost. Met dank aan Roelof Bakker. Zonopbrengst V1.0.0.8 04-08-2010 1. Bij een nieuwe installatie kan het voorkomen dat in plaats van het overzicht scherm, het keuze scherm van de omvormers getoond werd. Dit probleem is opgelost. 2. Als er van de huidige dag geen gegevens zijn en je selecteerd daggrafiek, dan was de opbrengstwaarde negatief. Dit is aangepast. 3. Bij het aanklikken van de aanschafprijs bij de instellingen kwam de cursor aan het eind van het bedrag te staan. Dit is aangepast. 4. Bij de maand en jaargrafieken stond de waarde van de hoogste kolom te dicht aan de bovenzijde van het scherm. Dit is aangepast. Zonopbrengst V1.0.0.7 02-08-2010 1. In het kader van de database zo klein mogelijk houden, werden om de 5 minuten de gegevens naar de database geschreven. Dit gebeurde alleen maar als er vermogen aan de AC-zijde werd afgegeven. Nu gebeurd het al als er spanning op de panelen wordt gemeten.(Als de omvormer aan staat.) 2. Door een rekenfout kan het voorkomen dat het maximaalvermogen van de Soladinomvormer met een factor 100 wordt weergegeven. Dit probleem is opgelost. 3. Bij de procentmeter naast de omvormer kan, als er een nieuwe piek gehaald is, de kleurwaarde groen groter worden dan 255 en gaf een foutmelding. Dit probleem is opgelost. 4. Bij het loggen van de dagopbrengst was de veldlengte van de Netspanning te laag waardoor de data niet weggeschreven kon worden. Dit probleem is opgelost. Met dank aan Roelof Bakker. Zonopbrengst V1.0.0.6 26-07-2010 1. Als er geen verbinding meer is met een omvormer probeert het programma de verbinding na één minuut te herstellen. Links beneden in de statusbalk loopt de tijd niet mee. Dit probleem is opgelost. 2. Als er geen gegevens bij de FTP-data staat worden er geen gegevens in de database gezet. Dit probleem is opgelost. Met dank aan Roelof Bakker en Nico van Rijn. Zonopbrengst V1.0.0.5 25-07-2010 1. Bij de daggrafieken werden bij de keuze voor meerdere omvormers, de paneelspanning en Temperatuur vlaggen niet gewsit. Als je dan één omvormer koos, werd de vermogencurve niet gevuld weergegeven. Dit probleem is opgelost. 2. Bij het invullen van een komma in de breedtegraad verscheen de tekst 'False'. Dit probleem is opgelost. Met dank aan Jos de Boer. 3. Als het piekvermogenvan een omvormer groter is dan 100%, dus groter dan de laatste piek, dan kan er een foutmelding getoont worden. Deze fout is opgelost Met dank aan Jos de Boer. 4. Tijdens het tonen van grafieken kan het gebeuren dat de database gesloten wordt door een andere instructie. Dit komt omdat het programma op de achtergrond gewoon doorgaat met het uitlezen van de omvormers. Hierdoor kan er een foutmelding worden getoont. Dit probleem is opgelost. Zonopbrengst V1.0.0.4 24-07-2010 1. Bij het overhalen van gegevens uit het programma PV-Uitlezen werden de komma's niet vervangen door punten. Het gevolg was dat de data fout geïnterpreteerd werd en er fouten optraden. Dit probleem is opgelost. Met dank aan Bert Jan van der Worp. Zonopbrengst V1.0.0.3 22-07-2010 1. De database wordt vanaf nu alleen nog maar op zondag gecomprimeerd en opgeschoond. Bij grote databases scheelt dit veel tijd. 2. Bij het selecteren van de overzicht tab werd deze in sommige gevallen niet weergegeven. Dit is opgelost Met dank aan Bert Jan van der Worp 3. Bij het aanklikken van de daggrafiek op de overzichttab werd de dag opnieuw berekend. Nu word alleen nog maar de laatste bitmap ingeladen, dit scheelt weer processortijd. Zonopbrengst V1.0.0.2 21-07-2010 1. Bij het aanmaken van een nieuwe omvormer werden de tabellen in years, months en days niet aangemaakt. Dit is opgelost. Met dank aan Jos de Boer. 2. imports ADOX (.dll) overal opgeroepen waar dit nodig is. 3. Bij het aanmaken van een nieuwe omvormer werden de gegevend niet goed in de database gezet. Dit is opgelost. Zonopbrengst V1.0.0.1 19-07-2010 1. Na een nacht slapen kon het programma geen verbinding meer maken met de database. Dit is opgelost. 2. Bij computers die geen Microsoft Access hebben geinstalleerd kon er geen database aangemaakt worden. Dit is opgelost. Zonopbrengst V1.0.0.0 18-07-2010 1. Eerste Release